Public Observatory Diedorf

The Diedorf Observatory is operated by the registered association “Astronomische Vereinigung Augsburg e.V.”. This astronomical club was founded in 1965 by seven hobby astronomers. They soon planned to build an observatory in Diedorf, a village 15 km from Augsburg. In those days, the location at Diedorf was on the outskirts of the village, far away from any artificial lighting. The observatory was completed in 1975. As a so-called “Public Observatory” the small observatory’s mission has always been to impart basic astronomical knowledge to broad segments of the population. The observatory's staff are members of the association and do their work voluntarily.

Today the “Astronomische Vereinigung Augsburg” has about 200 members and approximately 1000 people visit the observatory per year.



On the rooftop of a school, the Observatory has set up a bunch of different telescopes. They will allow the public to view spectacular cosmic objects with their own eyes, such as the Moon, planets, and bright objects like globular clusters and star-forming regions in clear weather.



In the planetarium with 40 seats, some 1000 LEDs create an impressive view of the night sky - independent of the weather or time of day.



One can visit the observatory every Friday from 8 p.m. till 11 p.m. The observatory also opens for special celestial events like eclipses. For dates and more information visit "Vorschau".
amateur astronomers explain basics about the universe and love to answer questions.

Entrance to the observatory is free.

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